OK... I know once again I have neglected you all and failed to share pictures and stories of my wonderful, beautiful children. I must say things have been a little crazy but that is no excuse because Brandi has still had the chance to blog everyday (thanks Brandi.)
So we are home and everyone is wonderful. Gentry is probably our best baby yet. He is very content and we only get to hear him cry when he is hungry. He is probably our most talkative baby though we get constant noises from him. Our favorite is his gorilla impersonation that only happens in the middle of the night.
Getting ready to come home
Hanging out with Dad
First Bath
Our 3 muchkins!
Bryer LOVES being the big sister. He is the first thing she asks about in the morning and we end the night with her talking about him. She is constantly asking to hold him and always rushes to his side if she hears even the littlest peep.
Emerson had a bit of a rough transition at first. He was not ready to give up his title as "baby." He would want me to hold him instead of Gentry so he would run over to me and yell, "Mommy" and then gesture with his hand for me to put Gentry down. He seems to be doing a bit better now. We get our occasional object flying through the air towards Gentry but all and all he is getting better. I think more than the change of bringing Gentry home he is entering his "Terrible Twos" and let me tell you we are in for a wild ride.

Scott went back to work on Monday and I was a little worried. I mean the logistics of taking 3 children to the store scared me. Especially since 2 of them need to ride in the cart, 2 need to be carried and it rains here 90% of the time. However, the kids and I have ventured out a few times and thus far everything is great. I mean it does take a little longer, small shopping carts (Joann's and Michaels) suck, and when Bryer or Emerson fall asleep in the car we need to just head home.
Other than that we are doing wonderful.
Scott with the kids all asleep!
Scott almost finished the nursery on his 2 weeks off. When it is complete I will get pictures of for you guys. Hopefully this weekend we can get our Formal Living and Dining room painted so we can get our Christmas tree and put it up. I have decorated a bit but this year Christmas has just crept up on us. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all so instead of being crazy and trying to get it all done I have done nothing. I am optimistic that it will not rain this weekend [it will rain all weekend] so Scott can put lights up, our painting will get done and all decorating will be complete. hahah.